Sunday, December 26, 2010

Installing GLUT on Ubuntu

Installing GLUT is essential for those who wants to create OpenGL programs in Linux.

To install GLUT on Ubuntu, just simply go to System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager then search for "glut". Mark freeglut3 and freeglut3-dev for installation then click on Apply button.

This will install the OpenGL header files to /usr/include/GL/ and the library object to /usr/lib/libglut.a.

Compiling C++ Source Files

By default, Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 is installed without a developer's tools. So if you're a C++ programmer or just someone who needs to execute the "make" command using the terminal but encountering error like the example below:
make: g++: Command not found

Then all you have to do is run the following command in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install g++

When you encounter the said error, it only means that you have lack of compiler to compile the source codes. Just by installing g++ will do the trick.

Happy Coding :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Enabling Japanese Input in Ubuntu

Just follow the following steps to enable Japanese input in Ubuntu 10.04:

  1. Go to System>Administration>Language Support.
  2. On Language and Text window, click on Install / Remove Languages button.
  3. Installed Languages window will appear. Look for "Japanese" and check the installed checkbox.
  4. View Components found at the lower part of Installed Languages Window then select the Translations, Input methods, and Extra fonts.
  5. Click on Apply Changes button, after the installation, restart your PC.
  6. Next, go to System>Preferences>IBus Preferences.
  7. If a dialog box prompt with the following message "IBus Daemon is not started. You want to start it now?", just click on "Yes" button.
  8. A notification dialog will appear, just press OK.
  9. In IBus Preferences window, click on Input Method tab.
  10. On the drop-down list, select Japanese>Anthy (with a King's crown icon) then click Add button.
  11. Then press Close button.
  12. You can now activate it by pressing Ctrl+space and switch from English to Japanese and vice versa by pressing Alt+Left Shift (if you didn't change the settings in General tab of IBus Preferences window).
Optional step:
Take note that this feature doesn't run automatically when Ubuntu starts. So if you prefer this feature to be activated once Ubuntu starts, just add it on Startup.
  1. Go to System>Preferences>Startup Applications.
  2. On Startup Applications Preferences window, click on Add button then input the following information:

Congratulations! You can now input hiragana, katakana, and kanji characters on your Ubuntu box.
Take note that the same procedure is used for other languages like hangul and chinese.

Below is inputted using Ubuntu 10.04 English OS with Japanese input enabled:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get Get AWN!!!

Want to make your desktop looks cool and sexy?
Well, aside from that Linux gives you the freedom to customize your desktop theme... There are also lots of third-party applications available for Linux that make your desktop go WOW!

One of those is AWN (Avant Window Navigator). It is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop. Look at the image below:

Well, this navigation bar allows you to add applications that resides on your desktop for fast and easy access. Also, all opened applications are automatically appeared in this navigation bar. So, its just as like as a taskbar.
You can place this navigation bar on top, bottom, left, or right of your desktop.
It also offers lots of icon effects and themes. You can also customize its appearance settings.

To install AWN, just open Ubuntu Software Center (Application->Ubuntu Software Center), search for AWN, then install it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How to make Asus K42J Input/Output Jack works in Ubuntu

The first time I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my Asus K42J laptop, everything is so smooth and easy. The only problem is that, the output jack is not working.
This laptop has only one jack for speaker/earphone and mic. So basically, its input/output jack. I've tried to use a mic here and it works fine, so the only problem is the output.
Luckily, after a long journey in the web, I found a solution to it.
Just simply download alsa-intel-hda-optiplex-dkms_1.0.23_all.deb (just do a google search for the link) then install it in your Ubuntu box.

That's it! Asus K42J and Ubuntu 10.04 now works in harmony :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Change Window Controls' Position

When you install Ubuntu 10.04, by default, the Window control is positioned on the left side of the titlebar.

This change in windows layout is welcomed by others, especially those who used to MAC. But for me (I know I'm not alone), as a former user of Windows and older versions of Ubuntu, I prefer that the window control is in the right side.

Good thing is, you can re-position the windows controls using Ubuntu-Tweak.
To install Ubuntu-Tweak, just open the Ubuntu Software Center (Applications>Ubuntu Software Center) then search for the word tweak. Look for ubuntu-tweak then install it. After the installation, you can now run Ubuntu Tweak (Applications>System Tools>Ubuntu Tweak).

Go to Desktop>Window Manager Settings then on the Window Titlebar Button Layout, select Right.

That's it! It is now on the right side of the Window titlebar.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Welcome to My Ubuntu Blog

I made this blog to archive anything about my Ubuntu Linux.
As an Ubuntu Linux user, I just want to share some of my experience with this well-known and trusted Linux distro.

I also intend to promote Ubuntu in the likes of you just because of the following reasons:
1. Ubuntu is Stable
2. Ubuntu has a very active community
3. Ubuntu offers a lot of cool and exciting features
4. Ubuntu is easy to use
5. Ubuntu is flexible
6. Ubuntu is FREE

So, why do you have to spend your money if you can get what you need for FREE?

Pretty amazing huh???
If you're still not convinced then you can visit this blog site for updates.
Or grab a cup of coffee, say hello to your favorite search engine and start searching for testimonials about UBUNTU LINUX.

You will surely love this :D